Comedy Intensive

Discover the easiest way to keep your clients happy and your audiences engaged.
Every time!
The Intensive offers three group sessions across three months to learn the skills, hone your personal material, and work the craft. You’ll also work within the cohort to level eachother up. And you’ll even receive dedicated 1:1 time with Pat to refine your speech into something that not only gets you referrals but that audiences remember.
Join the 2024 Cohort today!
The Rundown:
Group Session 1 - Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 12pm ET/11am CT/9am PT (for 2 hours)
Group Session 2 - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 from 12pm ET/11am CT/9am PT (for 2 hours)
Group Session 3 - Wednesday, January 15, 2025 from 12pm ET/11am CT/9am PT (for 2 hours)
Cohort Partner Session (s) - TBD
Your one hour 1:1 time with Pat - Whatever time works throughout the term
Special VIP Chicago Comedy Adventure - Late Summer 2025
Deets: Our cohort will meet virtually in three separate two-hour sessions across a tri-monthly term, wherein we will cover our session topic and invite open discussion for larger feedback from Pat and your teammates (but mostly Pat).
Additionally each cohort participant will be expected to meet with their assigned cohort partner on a limited basis throughout the term.
Cost: $3000*
Please know: Payment will be required to hold your spot within the cohort.
*Availability will be a first come, first spot basis.
More than story structure, we will also tackle the intricacies of joke structure. Then, by looking at our programs holistically, we will begin to look for ways to tell our own stories better.
The connection with our audience begins from 20 feet away. Dissecting the skills that grant us the ability to reach them, utilizing purposeful movements that earn us the trust of our audience.
Incorporating not only the front rows but the back of the house is one of the most difficult feats we undertake as live performers.
In this session you won’t just learn work on how to break the 4th-Wall, we’ll examine how to tear it down, live in the moment and let our presentations do the same.
One hour of individualized 1:1 session time with Pat to work on your material (virtual).
Opportunities online and off to connect with your cohort and Pat.
An assignment of a cohort partner, to support one another throughout the term
Once our term is complete, ALL Sci Alum will be invited to join Pat in Chicago to attend a professional improv or sketch comedy show.
This will be followed by a breakfast the next morning, joined by a special guest or two *wink*, where we will discuss the show, what we saw, the craft of its construction and how these may apply to what we do as speakers.
EVENT: Late Summer 2025, date/time TBD
*please note that although show tickets will be covered by Pat, all other transportation and accommodation will be up to you.
What the Participants are Saying: